Snow & Ice Management
Liquid Brine treatments Beechfield offers salt brine applications as a pre-storm treatment program. Sodium chloride (salt) brine is a low-cost measure that works faster than dry salt, with less waste.
Professional account managers who are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, (including Holidays) during all winter weather events.
Pro-Active Service We employ WeatherWorks, a subscription based weather service, to give us customized, accurate, up to date forecasts and weather alerts. We monitor these forecasts and update plans accordingly.
Response With dozens of crews dispatched throughout central Maryland, you can rest assured that we have the resources in place to keep your property open, even during the worst of weather events!
Technical Expertise Beechfield is a member of SIMA (Snow and Ice Management Association). We stay up to date with innovations in equipment, products, technology, and best practices for managing winter weather.
Follow up Services we perform site visits in the days following a winter weather event to treat icy conditions caused by runoff refreezing and/or blowing snow.
Value Our prompt, dependable service, attention to detail, and competitive rates provides great value for owners and tenants. We include a service summary with certified storm data and an activity log (documenting service times and material usage) with each invoice.